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  • Aidan McGrath

Snagovian opinion: a future concern?

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

OPINION: The Snagovian Federation has turned to support the Russian Federation in its war against Ukraine, this might be a possible sign of future controversies to come.

Snagovian poster regarding its former neutral stance on the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

PBN News was able to ask some questions on the Snagovian standing from President Ștefan Marius Snagoveanu.

Originally the federation was neutral on the topic as the nation was in support of pan-Slavic unity with one another however this has shifted to the nation now supporting the Russians and its invasion into Ukraine. Snagoveanu stated:

“Russians, Ukrainians. They both are our Slavic brothers. Russia doesn't want to conquer Ukraine, Russia doesn't want to make Ukraine disappear. What Russia wants, is a stable regime in Kiev (Kyiv) that does not bow down to the west. NATO was established as a defense against the Soviets (which doesn't exist anymore), then why must they expand so much eastwards? They're surrounding Russia with troops and then claiming it's the Russians' fault. Ukraine, under Yanukovych, was not perfect, but it collaborated with Russia and the other CIS member states, and thus everything was great. The biggest mistake ever in Ukrainian history was the Euromaidan in 2014. Is becoming a satellite of the West really worth it? Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. Under Yanukovych, the country's GDP was steadily growing and growing, and then after Euromaidan, it plummeted. What will happen if they join the EU? Foreign companies will buy their land, they will be forced to export for cheap and import for way higher prices? Like in Romania, Bulgaria, etc? After the invasion is over hopefully a new, independent, stable regime is established in Ukraine. If the Ukrainians collaborate economically and politically with the Russians, they could keep Crimea, Donbas, etc. Those territories weren't even thinking about seceding before the Euromaidan. NATO is scared of Russia...” - Ștefan Marius Snagoveanu

As a breakdown President Snagoveanu is claiming Snagovian reason for Russian support is due to NATO and its treatment of the east, believing that a non-Moscow aligned more western Ukraine to be an unwelcome sight.

According to Snagoveanu, the Euromaidan, the 2014 Ukrainian revolutions and the lack of economic cooperation are to blame for the cause of the current conflict between the two states.

We asked Snagoveanu also about the war crimes committed in the war so far which he has stated the following:

In modern-day wars they're inevitable, plus, some of them were staged. The west is good at propaganda, better than the others, the best." - Ștefan Marius Snagoveanu

We were unable to ask about his specific thoughts on well-documented war crime events such as the Bucha Massacre. PBN News could not verify if Snagoveanu was denying if some war crimes were committed.

Lastly, PBN News asked Snagovenau if he sees his opinion as concerning to other nations and he stated:

We like to be honest instead of lying Lying just to be liked by others is... not our kind of thing, after all, micronationalism is a way to express feelings and opinions." - Ștefan Marius Snagoveanu

As more and more nations condemn the actions of Russia, Snagov sticks out like a sore thumb. Snagoveanu does not care about others' thoughts or opinions and believes he should have the right to express them.

Possibly Snagoveanu with his statements are an attempt at trying to minimize the scale and severity of the conflict claiming the bulk of information on it to be pro-western propaganda. All of this is very controversial as Ukraine continues to fight for its right to self-governance which is backed by Ukrainian popular support.

Whether or not this shows the true colors of the ideas of the Snagovian Federation and its level of tolerance, maybe in line with the paradox of tolerance. Is this a possible sneak-peak of future controversial events and comments from Snagov? That thought is for you to decide.

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